Sunday 5 January 2014

Nelson Mandela Remembered

There are very few influential men in this world who have made such a difference – that when you ask an eleven year old boy – who is a 95 year old man who has changed the world can answer Nelson Mandela.
He was born in July 1918 in Mveso, Transkei in South Africa. He became involved in the Anti-apartheid movement while he was in his late teens. For more than 20 years he organised a non-violent, peaceful campaign against the South African government as he hated the way he was born and brought up in such a racial country.
Nelson in 1939 joined the University college of Fort Hare, which to us is the equivalent of Oxford or Cambridge. However without the benefits which we now have in a multi-racial system. There was not the same possibility to achieve as of today, however he studied the required lessons to become a clerk, which was all that was possible at the time. Unfortunately he was expelled in his second year for being a student councillor and not conforming to standards.
After returning home, he soon became dissatisfied with his life and therefore moved to Johannesburg, he then became a clerk and restated studying law at the University of Witwatersrand. While he was here became a member of the ANC trying to help the unfortunate rural workers who he felt had no say in the country. He continued this until he founded his own law firm, fighting for the rights of low cost workers whom he felt he could help in their time of need.
In 1961 Nelson organised a 3 day strike for the working class people- this resulted in him being arrested and given a 5 year prison sentence. Unfortunately while he was in prison, he was charged for political offences against the government, along with other ANC leaders and was given a life sentence on Robben Island.
During his 27 years incarcerated he became intensely poorly with TB and as a political black prisoner his treatment for his health was totally inadequate. He still studied law and gained a Bachelor of Law degree from University of London.
Nelson Mandela spent many more years in various prisons until F.W de Klerk in February 1990 decided that all political restrictions on the ANC and other groups could be removed and the prisoners could walk free. February 11th 1990 was Nelson Mandela’s date of freedom.
In 1993 after many years of continued freedom fighting, Nelson was rewarded with the Nobel Peace prize along with his close friend F.W de Klerk for their work into abolishing apartheid. On the 10th May 1994 Nelson Mandela was appointed the first ever Black President of South Africa. He fought for democracy in the freedom from struggle, race, depravity and suppression. He did evolve over the years to become South Africa’s first son. His humility and sacrifice have been a sense of freedom for the modern world, not just in South Africa but all over the entire world.
In 1999 he decided to retire from politics, to write many famous books including: “The struggle is my life” and “No easy walk to freedom”. He also continued his foundation work to raise money for schools, clubs and hospitals to help the unfortunate ones who were still suffering in the country.
Nelson Mandela started to retire from the limelight, still enjoying his sport including the Rugby world cup in 2010, where he made public appearance to the delight of the nations involved.
He was a towering figure to the modern world and a very sad loss today at 95 years old.
“When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity”
46664 Concert: In Celebration Of Nelson Mandela's Life - Performance

Monday 23 December 2013

man masturbate down

Man Masturbates down Supermarket Meat Aisle

During a recent supermarket visit Eugenio Freitas, 49, got a bit saucy round by the sausages. Freitas was caught on CCTV with his hands in his pockets for at least ten minutes after he became extremely horny, and overwhelmed by his “excessive sexual drive,” and began to touch himself in the meat section of the Sainsbury’s.
At the time a female employee saw Freitas but she didn’t realise he was getting his jollies off to a burger. Instead she thought the man was “adjusting himself.” Strangely this isn’t the first sexual incident in a supermarket for Freitas, in 2010 he exposed himself in a supermarket and was put on a sexual offender registry for seven years.
Freitas was arrested after a customer became suspicious and along with other members of staff they thought they best call the police. Prosecutor Marcus Harry said: “The staff member and security officer viewed CCTV of the defendant. He was seen for about 10 minutes with his hands down his trousers and in his pocket with his hands moving around. They formed the view he was performing a sex act.”

Friday 25 October 2013

funny shocking

Joke on Wife Backfires for Husband Who Hung Himself

A practical joker, paid with his life when playing a practical joke on his long suffering wife. Victor Hayles apparently would always be pulling pranks to scare his better half however his latest prank turned out to be his last when he killed himself, by hanging himself in the couple’s conservatory.
It was not uncommon for wife Susan Hayles 59 to find her husband ‘playing dead’, unfortunately though this time, he wasn’t playing dead and was in actual fact dead. The couple had been to a party and after arriving home shortly after midnight, Mr Hayes 57 took the family dog for a walk, however when he didn’t return, his wife went looking for him. She hadn’t even left the house when she made the shocking discovery, her husband hanging from the conservatory, feet still touching the ground, but unfortunately this time he was dead.
noosy 2

Sunday 20 October 2013

celeb deaths

Let's take a look at some celebs who left us too soon. Telugu film actor Srihari passed away at a private hospital in Mumbai on October 09, 2013. Reports say that Srihari who has not been doing well of late, died while undergoing treatment in the hospital